I hate to say this!

Anwar rolled his eyes. “Islamically, it is indefensible that all Malays should have to be Muslims,” he told me. “Not all Arabs are Muslims, after all. But this case has become too political. It is better not to dwell on this issue. We should deal with poverty, rule of law, democracy. . . .” I must have looked unsatisfied. “Look,” he said, “I have Malay friends who no longer believe, who drink. But they don’t make an issue out of it.” (here)

Last year, Dr Mahathir was asked by a reporter whether he thought Anwar would ever be the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Dr Mahathir replied that “he would make a good Prime Minister of Israel.” (here)

My respectful readers, please forgive me if what i am going to say here will hurt your feeling or shaken your stand, because none of that was my intention.

This is how I ended being me: 1985 - born as a son of an UMNO activist, 1998 - started being friend to PAS followers, 2005 - enrolled as full-time student in PKR's institution.

All of my life, my family and most of my friends labelled me "orang PAS", the rest confused-fellows said I am from "PKR", and suddenly out of nowhere come a person who said I am with UMNO! What the ........??!!!

A friend of my father secretly confronted me, he desperately wants to know, and he asked me from which side I am. My answer is this: show me what you (BN, PAS, PKR) have, later you will find out.

I am proud to be me; a man who is hardly influenced by what I feel, see or hear at first. I proud to be different, as long as it will not make me go against Al-Quran and As-sunnah. For I have my own stand and reason, and not make those my weakness and excuse.

Not to say those who sticks with a party is a weak person or have no gut to be different, but please open your eyes and use your mind because this political things easily make fanatics blind and dumb!

Yes, this is for you to read, with open eyes of course!

Pentauliahan Diri

Saya yakin ramai yang tersenyum selepas melihat kartun di atas. Ianya menyindir pihak-pihak tertentu yang terlibat dengan isu 'tauliah' yang hangat baru-baru ini. Saya akui saya sukakan kartun ini kerana mesejnya menusuk tepat tetapi penuh hikmah.

Perbuatan menyampaikan mesej bukan mudah jika tidak punyai kemahiran yang mencukupi. Ini kerana terdapat terlalu banyak cara untuk mesej disampaikan dan tidak kesemuanya sesuai digunakan. Penghantar mesej perlu memilih cara yang tepat dan diyakini akan menyampaikan maksud mesej dengan jelas kepada penerima. Barulah interaksi menghasilkan faham.

Memberikan pendapat adalah hak mutlak semua orang, kecuali jika berada di premis yang menyebabkan individu tersebut tertakluk kepada undang-undang pemilik premis. Pendapat yang diberikan pula haruslah mewakili pendirian orang yang menyampaikannya dan tidak menyeleweng dari isu yang diperkatakan. Dengan cara ini pendapat tidak mendatangkan mudarat sebaliknya manfaat.

Jika penyampaian mesej telah dilakukan melalui cara dan medium yang betul, dan pendapat pula diberikan dengan telus dan bertanggungjawab, namun masih mengundang kekeliruan atau salah faham eloklah 'diperbetulkan' si penerimanya. Mungkin ada 'kerosakan' di bahagian komponen yang menjejaskan prestasi keseluruhan lalu menyumbang kepada kegagalan reseptor-reseptor penerima berfungsi. Ringkasnya, mungkin ada masalah pada penerima.

Tak faham? Maknanya memang ada masalah!